Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blog 5

 This is my last blog for this and it is my last day at the middle school. These few weeks have been so much fun and i have learned so much. 

I had to teach for my last day down there and it went pretty well. The kids seemed to enjoy it and I feel like it was very effective. 

The kids seemed like it did not seem to make them want to fall asleep and at the same time the seemed to be learning something.

This year was a very good year and I loved getting to know the middle schoolers and what all they did in there class.  

Middle School Blog 4

 For a while now I have been going to Mrs.Burrows 5th grade English. In the begging it was a very hard thing to get use to but it is starting to get a whole lot better.

My number one favorite thing about this class is how funny they are. This has change over time because they are not as well behaved that I am not to new. 

My second favorite thing is how well they can listen when they are made to. The teacher can tell them just one time to behave better and they do it right away. 

My favorite method that the teacher uses is still the reward system. The kids seem to still love it the same they did the very first day. 

My second favorite thing that she uses is bell work. It gets the kids brains working but at the same time does not make them not want to do it. 

This has gotten a lot better the further I go into it. Also it has helped me decide my future story and really think about it.     

Over all it has been a good experience in the in the middle school. I hope that this experience continues to get better over time.  

Test Days

 The Past couple of weeks I have been observing Mrs.Burrows 5th grade English. But this week they are doing state testing so I had to come back to the high school and observe there.

My favorite thing about this is that I did not have to walk all the way down there. Along with this I know the teachers in the high school better so it is easier to get to work with what I need to.   

My second favorite thing is that I can talk to the students more and get their opinion on things. Along with this I am also a student so I get to learn in two different ways.

My favorite method that the teachers use is the turning in system. Most teachers just have a basket so they just walk up and put there work in there when they are done. 

My second favorite thing that she uses is google classroom. This is easy to post stuff on and even some things you can have it grade things for you. 

This gives me a little bit of confidence. Knowing what to fully expect and what all that is going to go on throughout the day. 

Over all it has been a good experience in the in the high school. It has been a little more calm that the middle school but I still miss going down there. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Middle School Blog 2

     The Past couple of weeks I have been observing Mrs.Burrows 5th grade English. This has been a very eventful experience and at the same time it has been very weird. 

My number one favorite thing about this class is how well they behave when I come in. They are always excided to see me and when I am there they are always polite to me. 

My second favorite thing is how funny the class is. When ever they are doing there writers notebook they are always trying to find something new and funny to put on it. When I am having a bad day they always make me laugh and it makes it better. 

My favorite method that the teacher uses is the reward system. She uses this thing called the Boo Basket. She will ask them a question and then if they get it right they get candy out of the Boo Basket. 

My second favorite thing that she uses is the writers notebook. This gives them a chance to be creative and make up stores. They also have the chance to write down how thankful they are for someone. 

This gives me a little bit of confidence. When the kids start to talk to me I can tell that they like me and it helps it go faster.     

Over all it has been a good experience in the in the middle school. I have very much enjoyed the time down there and getting to know the teachers and the kids

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Middle school Blog 1

     I have just started to go down to the middle school and it has been very interesting. I do not know how I feel about it just yet because it is kinda overwhelming. 

My class favorite is they way the kids act towards each other. They are always so willing to help each other out and willing to help the teacher when needed. 

My second class favorite is how willing they are to answer questions. Anytime the teacher asks them for someone to answer they will start to argue over who is going to answer but I think that is a good thing. 

My favorite thing that the teacher does is the way she gets them to settle down. When she does this it is very respected by the kids and they are always willing to listen to her. 

My second favorite thing that the teacher does is how she calls on the kids. She does not choose the same ones every time and also she does not always chose who raises there had first. This give different kids an opportunity every time. 

In conclusion, this first week has been good and it going very well. This week has also been a little overwhelming but that is alright because its just the first week.  

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Blog 3.2 Puppets Preschool

     Today I went down to the Pre-School for Intro to Education. We presented our books that we wrote and also out puppet skit. In this there where many positive things that happened but there was one negative about it. 

    First i'm going to start with the negative. During my first group of kids it stated off really good and they seemed very interested. Even though, they were very interested they also were very quite. We sat down and read them the story and they seem kinda bored. This was not too bad but it made me think they did not like the story. 

    After the story was over in the fist class we moved onto the puppet story. When I first walked into the classroom they got to meet the characters so they got very excided about the puppet show. This was a very positive just seeing they this made them more happy and then them telling me they want me to do it again. 

    I changed my classes after that group and when I walked in they were all excided to see me and started where already very quiet and ready for the story. When I started to ready they were supper excided. When I was done reading to them they asked me to read again. 

    Although I did not read them the book again I did do my puppet show. They loved it and asked me if I could help them make puppets. That's when the teacher took over and she told them I had to go back to class but they could try to make some soon. As I was leaving they all yelled that they wanted me to come back again and do another puppet show. 

In conclusion, this was over all a great experience. It started off a little rough but that was ok. I would love to do this again even after the one negitive. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

3.2: Famous People

 3.1 - Famous and Me!


  1. Attribute 2:  Great bull rider 

    1. Reason 1:  Weren't disappointed when you saw him ride. (known to ride what other people would not) 

    2. Reason 2:  Four time world champion 

  1. Attribute 1: Kindness 

    1. Reason 1:  Rodeo buddy dies while riding bull so he rides extra for him.  

    2. Reason 2: Stood up for what was right 

      C. Attribute 3  Great friend 

  1. Reason 1:  Took in another person to take to rodeos and show them more about it. 

  2. Reason 2:  He loved to help others while having fun.

 Tuff Hedeman was a great bull rider. You would not be disappointed when you saw Tuff ride, he was very well known for getting on many bulls that others would not. Many times he would ride for the full eight seconds and sometimes he would even ride longer. Not only doing this he would make his rides look very elegant. Along with this he was also four time world champion bull rider. This took Tuff a lot of hard work and dedication to make himself a great bull rider.  Tuff would often be practicing so that he could improve his skill. Tuff wanted to be the best so he would often act like he was so one day he could be the best. Much of this was not easy for Tuff but he wanted to be the best so he tried his hardest everyday not just for him but others around him as well. 

Through many hard times, famous bull rider Tuff Hedeman is a very kind person. Back in 1989 Tuff lost one of his best friends that he would ride bulls with to a bull riding accident. Tuff did not let this stop him that same year he rode ten extra seconds for his best friend Lane Frost. Tuff wanted everyone out there to know that he cared dearly about Lane and the ride was for him. Not only was Tuff very kind in this way but he also stood up for what was right. Tuff would often be helping those that needed it. He would help out those who needed a little advice and those that just had no idea what they were doing. 

        Tuff Hedeman was also a great friend to many that needed one. Tuff met Lane and they decided

to work together and do what they both loved. The two of them may not have been very old when they

met and may have not known each other very well but they both knew they needed each other. Not

only did he love to help people but he loved to have fun.  When Tuff Hedeman was out practicing and

working with others he loved to have fun. They would often work hard but at the same time they could j

joke around.

Blog 5

 This is my last blog for this and it is my last day at the middle school. These few weeks have been so much fun and i have learned so much....